CBD for Disabilities: What You Must Know!

In recent times CBD has created quite the buzz surrounding mental and physical health. It has reportedly been a game-changer for all users, from easing out anxiety and giving us a good night’s sleep to managing chronic pain. 

The primary use of the cannabis plant for our health was brought about by the use of CBD for the disabled. Studies have shown that people with epilepsy and autism have reacted positively to CBD oils. It is scientifically understood that the endocannabinoid system within our bodies is stimulated when in contact with a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are one of the several hundred compounds found in the cannabis plant. One of them being CBD. 

The endocannabinoid system plays a significant role in the primary functions of our body, including appetite, sleep, mood, and memory. Therefore, CBD as a medical tool has become key in treating many disabilities. 

CBD Oil and Developmental Delays 

Commonly consumed for its relaxing properties, CBD has shown promising results in children with developmental delays. For example, the outcome of CBD oil for autism aggression has not only alleviated symptoms of stress and self-injurious behavior but also aided in troubled social interactions. 

To gain a clearer understanding of how CBD oil affects developmental delays, let’s first understand the basics of one. Specifically, we will be discussing autism and epilepsy. Autism is a developmental disorder that presents challenges in social interactions, speech, and communications. Studies have shown that autism shares a strong link with a neurological disorder known as epilepsy, which causes recurring seizures in individuals. 

These seizures are caused by a difference in brain development, making the cells and neurons react abnormally, resulting in agitated or unnatural behavior by the individual. Thus, with its pacifying abilities, CBD for autistic children continues to go up in demand. 

Marijuana Vs. CBD 

Trusting the consistently favorable reviews, parents of children with autism have begun to opt for a more organic and wholesome treatment with CBD. 

The main reason for choosing CBD for autistic children is the fact that it contains zero THC. THC is the part of the cannabis plant that makes us high, giving us that out-of-body sensation. Parents do not approve or feel comfortable with their children experiencing these sensations and prefer using  CBD for their child, especially in comparison to marijuana. Studies have shown that marijuana and aggression have a similar outcome to CBD oil for developmental delays when discussing plant-based treatments. Unfortunately, it contains decent amounts of THC, making it an inappropriate and unfavorable choice for children. 

Endocannabinoid System and CBD 

The anticonvulsant properties in CBD have made them very popular in treating developmental delays, including disorders such as autism and epilepsy. So to better understand the medical aspect of CBD, let’s break down how CBD affects the endocannabinoid system.

Once ingested, the CBD will affect the neurotransmitters that connect themselves to neurons. Neurons are a collection of nerve cells connected to the brain, from which messages are transmitted across the body, allowing us to give and receive appropriate responses. This is an example of how CBD oil for autism aggression takes effect. Once connected to the neurons, these anticonvulsant properties will alter the cell’s activity by changing how ions flow into and out of the neurons. 

Similar to autism aggression, CBD use has also become relevant in other disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). ODD refers to vindictive, argumentative, and angry behavior usually starting in children during their preschool years. CBD oil for Oppositional defiant disorder has shown impressive results in countering aggressive behavior with a calming and gentle outcome. 

CBD and autism – What you should know

Parents already have a hard time ensuring a perfect life for their children. When your child is diagnosed with autism or epilepsy, the efforts are doubled, and results are not always satisfactory. 

CBD for disabilities such as this has given parents a break from the daunting task of constantly trying to find a balance for their children’s life.  It is not to say that CBD is a cure-all because it most certainly is not and should not be given to a child for that purpose. It can, however, help alleviate the taxing symptoms associated with the disorder, including anxiety, sleeplessness, hyperactivity, and stress. When these factors are lowered, the more challenging parts of the disorder are eased out. For example, better sleep will reduce aggressive and hyperactive behavior. Similarly, decreased anxiety levels will make it easier for them to learn and participate in social interactions.

One of the most significant scientific studies done on CBD for disabilities is treating Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). Possibly one of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes because they do not typically respond to anti-seizure medications. 

After noting the positive results of CBD for disabled children, many switched to cannabis treatment. Studies were done showing a reduction of seizures, and in some cases, they were stopped altogether. In addition, the FDA has also recently approved the first-ever cannabis-derived medicine for similar conditions, known as Epidiolex. 

CBD under an umbrella

The world of the cannabis plant is extensive and complex. Starting from 113 cannabinoids, out which one has changed the lives of many. CBD for developmental delays has aided in the mental well-being of many individuals, parents, and children alike. With its ability to calm an aggressive outburst or soothe an anxious child, it has a plethora of benefits. 

Many developmental disorders, in particular, have shown a promising reaction to CBD treatment. These include autism, epilepsy, oppositional defiant disorder, and ADHD. With such a positive outcome, CBD for disabled children, in particular, has become one of the most sought out treatment programs. 

While the FDA does not approve CBD as an official medical source for such disorders, many parents with autistic and epileptic children prefer it to traditional medication. In many cases, they use CBD oil for learning disabilities associated with the disorders mentioned above, allowing these children to assimilate within a social and interactive setting with ease.