How E-cig Regulations will affect consumers

A lot is changing in the e-cigarette trade. Between the whirlwind of trends, the FDA now regulates the vaping industry. There is a lot to digest, the new regulations are nearly 500 pages long. But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to read them, we will do the legwork for you and help you figure out the important points.
No more changes after August 8th
Basically, as of August 8th everything that was already approved to go out on the market or was already out on the market was “frozen” there, changes can’t be made to those products and releasing new products is going to be a lot more challenging (and expensive!) for manufacturers. This doesn’t mean new things won’t happen, but for many smaller manufacturers it is cost prohibitive to file the necessary PMTA (pre-market tobacco application) that will be required for all juices and each nicotine level of that juice. It will also be similarly difficult and expensive to register all custom mod parts, new tanks or mods, and batteries. Because of this, mod customization may drop now that new regulations are in place. Products made before Feb 15, 2007 are exempt from needing to be licensed by the FDA, but everything else done before the date has 2 years to get paperwork in, and the FDA has another year to approve it.
No more free samples and advice
Most of what I have talked about already though won’t affect the average consumer. Chances are you have a mod and you like it, you have a juice and you enjoy it, but you try other ones now and again. So here’s the next part. No more free samples. You heard me. It’s a bummer for sure, since walking into Artisan and getting to taste all the flavors was how we all made our decision on what to vape, right? Well, don’t worry, what we decided to do in our shops is charge a nominal fee ($1 per visit or $10 for a year) for the ability to try flavors. We can also no longer modify or make coils in the store for you, because that constitutes “manufacturing” which retail stores aren’t.
Warning labels and age restrictions
Now all e-liquids that go out must have the following warning placed on them by the manufacturer, stating that the product contains nicotine which is an addictive substance. If there is not nicotine in the product a different label can be used if it is registered properly with the FDA. Also, no vaping products may be sold to minors, and anyone under 26 must produce a photo ID in order to purchase. Some of this was already being done, but with the FDA regulation, it is official
We know that Artisan Vapor is everyone’s favorite experience, and it will continue to be. Our stores will continue to be warm and inviting, we will continue to carry delicious e-liquids and quality mods. A lot is changing behind the scenes and in front of it, but just know we are on top of every modification that has been happening to the way we do things. Change is hard, but we are doing our best to make a smooth transition.

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