Smokers around the world are switching from smoking to vaping, some because of pleasure while some because of health reasons.
Vaping is more pleasurable
People are vaping to stop smoking. A recent study conducted by the United Kingdom’s University of East Anglia has concluded that people who have switched from smoking tobacco cigarettes found vaping more pleasurable. Moreover, the participants also mentioned that pleasure was one of the major reasons why smokers switch to vaping.
The lead researcher in the research study, Dr. Caitlin Notley shared his findings that e cigarettes are at least 95% less dangerous for health than smoking tobacco cigarettes. He also said that vaping was actually the most popular method to quit switching in the UK.
In the study, 40 vapers participated. The researchers studied the history of these vapers with regards to tobacco hit, when they started vaping, the flavors they chose and also investigated the reasons behind their switch.
The research showcased that vaping was actually a cheaper alternative to regular tobacco cigarettes smoking. With years of smoking, smokers tend to lose their sense of taste and smell but it was found that with vaping, individuals were able to regain both of these senses.
Dr. Notley said that they have found out vaping can be supportive in long-term abstinence of smoking. The study was able to find that smokers who were just trying vaping for change stopped smoking because it was far more pleasurable than tobacco cigarettes. Chain smokers even quit smoking altogether once they developed the taste of vaping.
Vaping is healthier: Star vaping to stop smoking
The research established the fact that people who had switched from tobacco cigarettes to e cigarettes had improved respiratory function.
In the US, ratio of smokers has substantially lowered. While in 2017, 16% of the adults used to smoke, the number has now gone down to 14% now.
Regular cigarettes have a cancer-causing agent, tar. Tar constitutes of more than 70 carcinogens and is produced when the tobacco in cigarettes is burnt. E-cigs, on the other hand, do not have any tar in their vapor. They only have a regulated amount of nicotine which does not cause any harm to its users. Henceforth, vaping can never cause cancer in its users and is not harmful to the body.
A research conducted by Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Greece in 2013 concluded the effects of both e-cigs and tobacco cigarettes on arteries. According to the research, while tobacco cigarettes result in the stiffening of arteries, e-cigs do not leave any negative impact on the arteries.
One of the worst things about tobacco cigarettes is that it is not merely harmful to the smoker but also to the people around him. The same problem of traditional smoking is often linked with vaping too. Fortunately, this is entirely false. As the vapors do not pose any danger to the vaper himself, vaping do not have any negative impacts on the people around a vaper.
So next time someone tells you that vaping is bad for your health or that it is boring, you can easily tell them the truth.

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