Before deciding whether vaping should be allowed at work or not, it is first important to understand what vaping is and the effects of vaping on health.
What is Vaping & its effects
Vaping is defined as the act of inhaling vapor that is produced by an electronic cigarette or a vaporizer. The inhaled vapor is produced from materials like e-liquid, dry herb, or concentrate. Vaping is one the fastest growing industries in today’s world. It is especially popular for being a healthier and better alternative for typical cigarettes. 21% of the total smokers in the United States do vaping along with orthodox smoking.
Unlike tobacco cigarettes, e cigarettes do not have the cancer-causing agent called tar. Tar constitutes of more than 70 carcinogens and is produced when the tobacco in cigarettes is burnt. E-cigs, on the other hand, do not have any tar in their vapor. They only have a regulated amount of nicotine which does not cause any harm to its users. Henceforth, vaping can never cause cancer in its users.
A research conducted by Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Greece in 2013 concluded the effects of both e-cigs and tobacco cigarettes on arteries. According to the research, while tobacco cigarettes result in the stiffening of arteries, e-cigs do not leave any negative impact on the arteries.
Vaping at work
It is a well-known fact that smoking has been prohibited by the government for a decade in public buildings. The public buildings also constitute of workplaces. One of the reasons why this law was created was: smoking is not only injurious to the smoker but also to the people in his/her surroundings. Passive smoking is detrimental to health, according to doctors and health officers.
On the other hand, as e cigarettes do not consist of tar – it is neither harmful for the vaper nor the people sitting around him/her.
It is to be noted here that although people cannot smoke while they are in office, they do have the freedom to smoke once they are not in the premises of office. The same rule can also be applied to vaping. In spite of the fact vaping is absolutely safe, people tend to feel uncomfortable with all the vapors around them.
There is no law or rule that prohibits people from vaping at work. It comes down to individual employers and organizations to make policies for vaping at world. It depends on the type of work, environment of the office and also the employees.
If the employees do not feel unhealthy around vaping and the office has a relaxing environment, vaping can be allowed at work. On the other hand, if employees feel their health is at risk and the majority vote against vaping at work, vapers can be asked to vape outside the building or office. At the end of the day, as a business owner – you want to do what makes your employees happy.
We hope you were able to make a good rational choice. Happy vaping!

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