Vape coils are one of the most essential pieces of vaping. They are placed in vape tanks and are used in all types of vape kits, whether they are small starter kits or large sub ohm devices. A coil is typically either a cotton wick or a wrapped piece of wire. The job of the coil is to soak the e liquid, whilst the wire is heating your e juice into vapor when you inhale it.
Some of the most replaced pieces of vape hardware is vape coil, which is why we have a list of tips and hacks to help you in keeping your vape coils safe and last long.
One of the biggest problems of vape coils is that they can give dry hits or get burnt. To avoid such a situation, never forget to prime your coils. This will also result in an elongated life of your vape coil. One way to do is to: place a new coil into dry and clean vape tank, fill the tank with e liquid and then keep holding the tank in an upright position for more than 10 minutes. This way e liquid will be soaked into the wick properly.
The second method is: place a new coil into dry and clean vape tank, drip the e liquid directly onto the cotton (it will be visible through the tiny holes visible on the outside of coil), leave it as it is for a minute and then fill the vape tank with e juice and hold it in an upright position for more than 10 minutes.
Break Coil in
Breaking your vape pen coil is one of the ways to increase performance of your vape coil. The method to do is as follows: prime it using one of the procedures mentioned above, set the device at a lower wattage use it like this for a brief amount of time.
For instance, if the recommended wattage is 40W, start with 30W and then gradually increase the power level. Never exceed the limit.
Filled Tank
Always keep a close eye on your e liquid level. Whether you are using a beginner level vape tank or a professional, your vape tank should always be filled with e liquid to two-thirds. If the tank is half filled or empty, the cotton of coil will dry and get burnt.
No Chain Vaping
Another reason why vape coils get burnt or have a reduced lifetime is when vapers do not take a break between vaping. The vape kit uses more e liquid in such a situation and the coils gets abnormally hot as a result. Try taking regular breaks while you are vaping with your friends or alone. You can also set it at a lower temperature or wattage.
Coil resistance
When you are buying vape pen coils, always check their resistance. Resistance is measured in ohms, coils which are set at high wattage or temperature will get dried quickly and also get burnt. Use them at the correct power level.

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